Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I shall....

I enjoy blogging. Reading others and writing my own has been a favored past time for many years now. We won't go into how many and how it all got started because that's another post for another day. 
I recently read one of the many stories from mother to mother and I felt so uplifted by her REAL and INSPIRING words that I wanted to create my own.
The post was compiled of vows made to ones self. We all get so caught up in this busy world we live in no one ever takes long enough to enjoy the moments they have with their children. 
There have been many times in the last 8 1/2 years that I've wanted to throw in the towel and give up. Its those days where the kids won't stop arguing, nothing pleases them, gratitude is not given, tantrums are loud, friends dump on you, the washing machine breaks, your hair looks like you just rode down Sunset with the top down, you've kissed so many boo boos you've lost count and we begin to feel that we're the only person experiencing these hard ships. That's just not true.
1. I shall not compare myself to any other mother out there. God made me who I am and I am grateful for that.
2. I will never live a fabulously lavish lifestyle and I am perfectly okay with that. Money and things don't buy happiness. Friends and family do.
3. I shall tell my kids yes when they ask for me to make them a blanket fort on the stairwell.
4. I shall not get irritated when I am asked for the 14th cup of water after bedtimes come. These moments won't be here forever.
5. I shall not try and finish every single load of laundry on Sunday but instead go outside and ride bikes with the kids. The clothes will be there tomorrow.
6. I shall not compare my casserole, artwork, house decor to ANYTHING on Pinterest. 
7. I shall show my kids that dancing doesn't have to be 1&2&3 but something wild and crazy, where you can throw your hair around while you jump on couches. 
8. I shall accept my body and all the scars for what they are. Markings of true love.
9. I shall not have fear when I go to get inside of my truck. Those crushed crackers, empty go-gurt packs, water bottles and toys are a sign that my kids have fun on rides.
10. I shall not make others feel bad about themselves or their life choices. 
11. I shall raise honest, loving, hard working children to the best of my ability because this world needs more of that. 
12. I shall muster up enough energy to read one more bed time story even when I have been awake since 6am cleaning, playing, running errands and cooking - with no coffee!
13. I shall love their father immensely and make sure they know I love him.
14. I shall say sorry when sorry is necessary. 
15. I shall give my friends the gift of a guilt-free friendship.

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