Monday, April 18, 2011

Goodbyes are the hardest things.

"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city."

So I think I can safely say that our vacation 2011 was a success. All in all it wasn't that bad now that I think back on it. It just seemed daunting at the time because my son had his temper tantrums a few times (more like 3 times a day) during the trip. But I should have expected that. He is only three years old and has the attention span the size of a pea.

The first day was the best though! We hit Magic Kingdom. Everything was new and exciting. Payton was marveling over the colors, the castle, the shows, the princesses, Minnie Mouse and a few rides.
After that things just went a bit downhill but I think thats mainly because we barely had a moments rest on the "vacation." We were going and going until our feet couldn't keep us up. There were a few days where I was tuckered out. Feeling miserable and wanted nothing more than to lay in the hotel room.

Friday we got a good bit of rest after Payton visited the Bippity Boppity Boutique. I felt that was her 'reward' for putting up with a few too many spats from her little brother. She loved the pampering and being a diva for the day.

But I have been noticing lately she is alot like her daddy.

He isn't one for alot of attention yet I am. We are polar opposites JB and I. He is reserved while I am a massive extrovert who likes the light!
Its funny watching Payton and Austin. Austins so much like me. A good 70% of him is all me. Wild and spontaneous. While Payton is more a 60/40. The 40 being me. She likes attention but, not an intense amount of it. Its funny watching your kids grow and develop into these little human beings that are so much like yourself yet their own person.

I believe the best part of the trip was going home though. Things were more relaxed when we made it back to Alabama. Seeing family is always great, especially when they can lend a hand with the kids. I mostly loved being able to play 'Chachi' with my niece, Silver. It sucks that she's getting so much bigger and knows all these people more than she knows me. At least Krystan got a relationship established with my kids before we left. Silver doesn't even know me. We bonded over the 5 days I was able to see her but I know in 6 months, when I see her again (money pending) she won't even know who I am besides the fact that I resemble her mother.

The goodbyes are getting harder too.

When I visited in October it was rough but I held onto the hope that I'd see them soon enough. And I did see my mom and Julio in December. That was nice.

But when I went back in January for paw-paws funeral I realized that was a harder goodbye. I assumed it was based on the circumstances for my being there. But no, its just getting harder each time I go.
I've realized I have to just swallow back the emotions and think of the next time I am going to see them all rather than dwell on the goodbyes. If I do that, it makes it much harder.

I am glad to be back home and in a normal routine again. I just wish I could bring back everyone from home to here. I love California. Its fantastic! If I had to choose a place to settle down for life I could see myself choosing this area. Granted I could bring the fam over too.

Military life isn't all its cracked up to be. I believe all of us involved make sacrifices a normal person wouldn't be able to do. It made me feel good while we were on our vacation when this stranger thanked ME for being a spouse of someone in the military.

Normally its always JB getting the praise for serving and thats completely understandable. He IS serving this country. You rarely see someone giving props to the wives/husbands who stay at home with the kids though. It was refreshing and surely made my day that someone felt my work was just as important.