Monday, August 26, 2013


There is a girl I know that I must tell you about. We call her Payton (but her friends call her Pay Pay).

She is this little beauty that I have known for nearly nine years now. Her heart is full of innocence, imagination and love. How do I know her? Its simple really. I had a hand in bringing her into this world. She is my daughter. My first daughter. 

Ever since Payton made her journey into this crazy life we live in I've always known she was special. Most moms say things like that about their children but I have this gut instinct that she is going to do something absolutely phenomenal someday. So far she's not slacking. Payton is the reason I still believe in people. So many have let me down over the years and proven that they are not good. You begin to lose a little faith in humanity. But, how can you when sunshine lives in your household?

She is smart as a whip too! Her teachers have always raved about how incredible she is. It makes a mom quite proud to have a daughter like that. I attribute most of her brain to her father though. He's the genius in the family. I'm just the dreamer.

This year, this week...she starts the third grade. I can't believe she's growing so fast. 

A heart as big as the stars too! This girl would give her last dollar to a homeless person. She enjoys donating to cancer research and cries so much when people get hurt. She is an incredible big sister too and has a knack for defending her brother against cruel people. We all have our days and she certainly is no different. We are approaching teenage years and at times I can see a hint of the attitude I am going to have to face. No matter what she does, no matter how many mistakes are made I will always love her more than anyone else in this world. I vow to be her strength when she needs it. To try and shield her from the pain of bullies. To give her advice on boys. To be her shoulder when her friends let her down. To be that ear when she's ready to open up. I will forever be the best mother to my child. 

She's something silly thats for sure! Just today she was bouncing around the house singing songs from her favorite movies. And let me tell you, that girl LOVES to sing. Pitch Perfect songs are currently her favorite. Monster High dolls are the best toy. A laptop, facebook and iPhone are something she longs for - ha! Riiiiight! Deuce Gorgon is her "crush". Pink is the BEST color. Friends are her major priority. Dressing up in fancy clothes, wearing her mothers shoes and putting on dark lipgloss are things she enjoys far more than I like. 

We're getting to the age where she has bad influences. It's hard to try and steer her away from them. Especially when they are friends. I try my best everyday to remind her what is right and what is wrong. I also try my best to keep her in the know on things that I feel are age appropriate. I wonder what else she might know, that she hasn't shared with me. I know she's going to keep secrets and that is okay. It's normal for daughters to keep some things to themselves. I have to accept the fact that even though I want to always be her everything, I have to let her go and someday she will come back to me. 

But not yet! 

She's still my braid wearing, popsicle loving, doll having, Disney Princess toothbrush using, bicycle riding, tree climbing baby girl. And I am so thankful God let me be her mother.

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