Friday, July 17, 2015

I want my child to be his own person.
I love how his favorite color is pink, he wants to paint his nails black, he dances to music, he likes head banging to rock with me, he's sporty yet a total gamer nerd, he asks a lot of questions (I mean, a lot!), he enjoys chick flicks and playing dolls with his sister(s), he still sleeps with a stuffed puppy, dragon and pink/purple unicorn and bubble baths are a must for bath time.
Yet, I worry about him and how mean other kids are. He openly expresses his favorite things to everyone - especially how pink is awesome. It makes me smile. One day he's going to come home and probably change how he sees all of these favorites though just because someone chose to pick on him. What then? The last thing I want is for his spirit to be crushed.
Being a mom is hard.
Being a kid is harder.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

i hear you.

"The reason why some people have turned against you and walked away from you had nothing to do with you. It is because I have removed them from your life because they cannot go where I am taking you next. They would hinder you at the next level because they have already served their purpose in your life. Let them go and keep moving. Greater is coming your way."

Monday, April 6, 2015


Everything isn't meant to last forever. The people you want most in your life are sometimes the people you're best without. I've spent too much of my life trying to create relationships with seasonal people. I can only blame myself for giving them expectations that I know they couldn't live up too. I was trying to force something that would never be. I've learned that just because someone comes into your life, doesn't mesn they're meant to stay. Some relationships just have to close without closure. Holding on made sense until I learned to let go.

Monday, March 23, 2015

take the plunge.

Oh my.

Did I really?
Yes, I did. 
It's done

I am so nervous. 
I am so excited.
I am so scared.

But you know what? 

I am so proud of myself! 
I can't believe I've taken this huge risk with my life.
The life of five people!

I pray to God that I made the right choice but…what's life without a few risks? At least I've got the support of everyone I love <3

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I wanted to change the world, to make it all worthwhile. So I put pen to paper and poured out everything inside. My red eyes are tearing up at the woman I've become. Slowly, but surely on the fast track to falling into my grave

Forgiveness will set you free - so they say. I don't want to hold onto this hate anymore.

It hasn't taken as long as it usually does to get to this place. I still have my moments which can sometimes be difficult to get through but as I've said before, this time its different.

You see, when you hold onto hard feelings it continues to give the other person power over the situation. It's time to shut it down. I no longer wish to give anyone power over me. I am not someones puppet and I refuse to be treated as if I am beneath you.

I can't believe I've come so far in such a time and I'm still fighting on my own. If I stop to catch my breath I might never breathe again.

I had my 'ah-ha' moment, if you will. My unspoken closure. My brain finally worked out the riddle to this ridiculous, nearly decade long yo-yo affect. I still don't understand why it had to be this way but I am also free in a way because I know deep down, it really isn't me. For so long I questioned: why? what did I do? could I have been different? did I say something? do something? behave a certain way? am I a child?

No, I am a grown woman who has feelings and an understanding of the world and how things typically work. I also don't let people speak to me in a condescending way. So that's it. No more five stages of grief for this girl. I'm finally able to release and move forward. Will it continue to hurt? Absolutely. If it didn't then it meant nothing. Will I continue to let it hinder my self worth? Absolutely, not.

I am thankful I have had this blogger as my outlet to release these emotions that were too difficult to speak.

Ive never been so torn up in all of my life. I can't believe I let myself break down. I should have seen this coming. I've never felt so hopeless than I do tonight. I don't wanna do this anymore…. I'm moving on.

Monday, March 2, 2015


What is my purpose here on this earth? How can one person make me feel this way? I wish I had an understanding of it all. There's an elephant sitting on me, weighing me down, pushing me into the dirt. I'm sleepy and tired. So tired of everything. 

People tell me to smile and get over it but its not that easy and why am I relying on what everyone else's says anyways? Im not an influential person. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else's perspective though. And boy, do I know a lot of opinionated people.

You don't care about me at all. Im just your filler until you get your next fix. Your next high that is better than me. Why string me along all this time? Why not just let me go? Why did you seek me out in the first place? I never asked for this! 

It didn't last as long this time. The depression. The last time was the worst. Nearly a year! This time was just a week until I had my 'ah-ha' moment. Everyone needs that moment. The clarity. The window to the soul where you see everything. 

I suppose I should save the rest of this for my next and final post. Acceptance.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Perhaps I shouldn't have even gone. Maybe I should have just stayed home and been oblivious to it all. I didn't need to have my eyes opened, right? The veil is good over them. Its safe under there and warm. Being that clueless friend might get you joked on but it spares your heartache. I'd rather be blind than cruel.

Was I the best person that I could have been up until those final moments? I know I wasn't always the most positive version of myself and there were green times but that's normal. I tried and that's all that matters.

Maybe I should have gotten a second opinion. Third opinion. Fourth….. Would that have changed things? At least now I know and Im not being that clueless friend who thinks everyone is perfect and can do no wrong. 

I'm starting to think its better to be naive.