Friday, July 17, 2015

I want my child to be his own person.
I love how his favorite color is pink, he wants to paint his nails black, he dances to music, he likes head banging to rock with me, he's sporty yet a total gamer nerd, he asks a lot of questions (I mean, a lot!), he enjoys chick flicks and playing dolls with his sister(s), he still sleeps with a stuffed puppy, dragon and pink/purple unicorn and bubble baths are a must for bath time.
Yet, I worry about him and how mean other kids are. He openly expresses his favorite things to everyone - especially how pink is awesome. It makes me smile. One day he's going to come home and probably change how he sees all of these favorites though just because someone chose to pick on him. What then? The last thing I want is for his spirit to be crushed.
Being a mom is hard.
Being a kid is harder.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

i hear you.

"The reason why some people have turned against you and walked away from you had nothing to do with you. It is because I have removed them from your life because they cannot go where I am taking you next. They would hinder you at the next level because they have already served their purpose in your life. Let them go and keep moving. Greater is coming your way."